Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Beers for the holidays

The holidays are coming to a close and my apologies for not blogging more - it's a busy time of year!

Jeff and I had a few beers over the past couple of weeks while out and about. At the Wooly in Guelph, Jeff tried the Audrey Hopburn from Great Lakes Brewing, as well as Beau's Koru BPA. Unfortunately, we didn't take notes and when I asked Jeff to comment on them now, he said it wasn't fair to "review" them now because he couldn't really remember the experience.

He also had Twice As Mad Tom Double IPA from Muskoka Brewery - a beer he has quite enjoyed. He said it's hoppy with a decent malt backbone. He'd better like it - he got some for Christmas!

As well, he had the Dray Horse Ale from Black Creek. He said the malt in this beer reminded him of whole wheat bread. He called it "very bready" and said it had pretty much no carbonation.

He also got a few beers from Winnipeg, including the Half Pints Brewing Co.'s Stirstick Stout, but we'll discuss that one in a later post (mostly because Jeff thinks he drank the last one when it wasn't warm enough, so he didn't get the coffee flavour he was expecting).

It's New Year's, so some of you might expect me to resolve to blog more. I won't do that because I'm really kind of terrible at a) keeping resolutions and b) blogging - but I will resolve that we'll continue to enjoy some good beer in 2013.


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