Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Ontario craft brewer?

A story in the Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin recently mentioned there is a group of people that is in the process of starting a new brewery in the Ontario tourist town.

It's called Side Launch Brewing Company and the ambitious group says it would be nice to open by 2014.

They said they were inspired to do more craft beer after seeing the industry grow by leaps and bounds, and also because the now Molson-owned Creemore Springs does so well.

"We basically started out as a group talking about this four or five years ago, after Creemore Springs was purchased by Molson's," company president Garnet Pratt Siddall told the newspaper.

"Creemore was the pioneer of craft brewers, and under Molson's they have been able to retain a degree of autonomy," he said. "The area could easily support (another) craft beer."


There is also a microbrewery opening in Delhi, Ont. Ramblin' Road Brewery is owned by the same family that runs Picard's Peanuts (those blue "barns" filled with peanutty goodness and special treats). The website calls it Ontario's first brewery farm (not 100% sure what that means) and says they should be serving soon (they will be launching around the time of the Norfolk County Fair - which runs over the Thanksgiving weekend).

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