It was from Flying Monkeys and, of course, he had to try it. It was just called Flying Monkeys Grape on the board, but I think I see in their Twitter account the name of the beer is Grape Raped (perhaps the name is a bit too controversial, and is why the bar didn't actually name it?)
As for the beer itself:
"I thought it was weird. I don't know if I'd have it again," he told me afterwards. "It was interesting. I probably won't be ordering it again, but I was glad I tried it."
He said you could taste the grape and it was like grape drink or white grape juice.
But, he also noted, sometimes you have to try truly bizarre beers just to do it and who knows - this could have been a hit for him.
In fact, it worked for this blogger, who said the Grape Raped "worked and reminded me of KoolAid in a good way."
I also found a listing for it on Untapped, where it lists the full name as Grape Raped Antigravity, (the Antigravity is the brewery's lighter beer), but there's not a tonne of info on the web about this beer yet (at least not that I see).
I tried the grape beer last month at a beer festival ... I wasn't too crazy about it.