Monday, October 10, 2011

Beau’s Dunkel Buck

Oh goodness - no one tell Jeff I took a month to post this review! I'm a terrible wifey and an even worse blogger. But, good things come to those who wait, or so they say. Thanks for waiting for another review.

And happy Thanksgiving to our fellow Canucks.

OK - onto Jeff's review of Beau's Dunkel Buck.

Beau’s Dunkel Buck is their 10th offering in the Wild Oats Series.

Dunkel Buck is brewed in the dunkel weizenbock style (a strong, dark version of a Bavarian wheat beer). I love the reference to Uncle Buck in the name. The labeling also has Uncle Buck’s hat and the power drill with ridiculously long drill bit that Uncle Buck flashes to scare his niece’s boyfriend. Beau’s packaging doesn’t just make pop culture references, it also has a handy little tag that explains the style of beer, what flavours to look for and some food pairing suggestions.

The beer pours a hazy brown colour with a creamy off-white head. As the tag on the bottle notes, there’s plenty of banana and clove in the smell. I really like the mouth feel on this beer - its full and creamy and really goes nicely with the rich flavours. I get a boatload of caramel in flavour, along with the banana. The tag suggests chocolate and mocha but I’m only getting a little mocha and not much in the way of chocolate. But to be honest, that doesn’t bother me. The flavours work well together and are very satisfying. And while this beer is 6.8% abv, the increased alcohol isn’t noticeable.

All in all, this is a great beer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, we're currently working with Beau's Beer on a fundraiser for Not Far From the Tree and I thought your readers might want to know about it.

    Not Far From the Tree farms fruit grown in the city and distributes it to local food charities. All you have to do to participate is take your picture with a Beau's Beer cap featuring the face of Barry Martin and post it to the Hypenotic Facebook page. We'll donate $2 for every picture.

    Please read our post for more info.
